View Profile UnholyJustice
I'm a Pre-Law student currently attending IUP. I like to write, I like to rant, and I like to argue. I also draw stupid doodles in paint to distract myself from writing papers. Feel free to check out my procrastinart and various stories.

Age 35, Male



C-Berry, PA

Joined on 7/21/06

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I already have my own thoughts on these matters. So please examine these for your own benefit. Feel free to share them because I'm always interested in other peoples thoughts on the matter. If you want, please ask and I will outline my thoughts on a topic. But only at request.

Socrates once said, "The unexamined life is not worth living."

That being said.
Lets provoke some thought shall we?


Are black hole's portals to other dimensions etc. Or merely intense gravity wells that nothing can escape from?

Along those same lines. Is that how the Universe Cycles? Everything is eventually swallowed up by black holes. Then they eat each other until a "big bang" and the universe starts anew?

Who created the Universe? Do not say God. This is too easy an answer. Because that would beg the question, "Who created God?" Which becomes cyclical. "Who created the being that created God?" etc etc.

Is there one time line that is over ridden when changed? Or does an alternate time line form?

For example.

Tim loses the lottery. So he goes back in time to win the lottery. He wins the lottery. Is the time line where he lost the Lottery overwritten? Or is it a divergent timeline where Tim no longer exists?

Since toast always lands butter side down. And cats always land on their feet. What happens when you duct tape the two together? Levitation?

Has religion caused more harm than good? Or vice versa? Why?

Should Politicians be paid to be Politicians?

Why are we in an economic depression? Look for a cause among government policies and institutions. Not just banking and housing collapse. Whats the ROOT cause?

When you ask how someone is. Do you really care? Or are you just waiting to talk about your day?

Do men give love for sex? Do women give sex for love?

What makes us self aware? Luck? Divine will? How can we recreate this artificially, say in a machine? Can we "uplift" other creatures to self awareness? Such as dolphins, chimps, gorillas?

Will we ever travel beyond Earth? Or will we constantly worry about our problems at home? Rather than looking for answers outside Earth.

Are people really less intelligent? Think about it. We all (in general) have good working brains we only use a small percentage of. So what makes people "less intelligent?".

Are people actually bad at something? Or is it just their own conviction that they can't do it holding them back?
Examine the statement, "I am bad at Math." Are you really bad at Math? Your brain is certainly capable of math. Or is it just a lack of motivation to DO math that makes you bad at it?

Why did technology develop more rapidly in Europe than say... Africa? Any theories?

Why is the Capitalist system doomed to eventual failure? Look further into the future. The problem is pretty apparent.

Why is marijuana illegal?

Why do fat people get 3 Big Macs, a Large Fry, and a Diet Coke? Do they really think it does anything? It's like trying to use a toy umbrella you get in a drink against a hurricane. It just doesn't work.

Who runs America? The President? The Corporations? Or powerful lobbyist parties? Or something else?

Are Moral values a matter of opinion? Dependent on the culture they are formed in? Or can we look at them from a logical stand point?

Are we ever truly "ourselves"? Or are we always just adapting to the people/place we are at? Think about how you change depending on where your at. For example: Work, Family, Friends, School. How does your personality change among them?

Is no news, good news?

Why are the rich educated much better than the poor? Even in a public school setting.

Why did technology develop quicker in Europe than say... Africa?
Hint: Think about the weather. (My personal theory)

Do we really marry our mother/father?

Which is the United States public schooling system more biased towards? Men or Women? Why?

Critically examine the issue of Abortion. Is human life defined by self awareness? Or by the beating of a heart? Etc.

Why is being Gay such a hot issue? Sure we can't reproduce that way. Yet several animals will exibit "gay" behavior. The Bonobo Monkey for example. And they are still around i.e. not extinct. And the Bible certainly does not say "No man may love another man."

If Columbus did not discover America. How would history have changed?
Hint: Look at the technological developments of the Aztecs/Inca/Mayan. What would have happened if they were not wiped out by disease?

Is it possible to really desegregate schools? Some schools are 99.6% black. Even today.

Is hanging out with your "own kind" racist? Or a natural instinct?

Blacks want equality but certain words are off limits to whites. Such as "n***a". Why?


Ok that is all I can think of in one session. Feel free to post your responses. I'm interested in what lines of thought you guys pursue. Feel free to post about it.

Socrates also said, "I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance."

So educate me. And maybe in turn you will educate yourself.